GES Promotions Questions 3 - AminuWrites Tv

Question 3

Scenario 2

Mr. Kwapong, came to school very sick. But, decided not to go home due to the love of the job. So he decided to call Master Buabeng Micheal to copy an Exercise on the board for the class to copy. 

It was then that the School Improvement Support Officer appeared there. 

He ordered the pupil to take his sit. 

He took his pen and wrote something on paper. He then gave the paper to the Headteacher to be given to Mr. Kwapong.

1. What do you think is contained in the piece of paper?

2. How would you describe the actions of Mr. Kwapong?

3. What advice would you give to Mr. Kwapong?


  1. Help me with the answers to these questions


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