summarized notes on Albert Bandura (GES Promotions) - Promotion Pills

Albert Bandura was a prominent psychologist known for his Social Cognitive Theory. Here's a summarized version of his theory:

Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory:

- Bandura emphasized the importance of cognitive processes in learning and behavior.

- He proposed that people learn through observation, imitation, and modeling of others, which he called social learning.

- Self-efficacy, or one's belief in their ability to perform a task, plays a central role in motivation and behavior.

- Bandura's theory highlights the reciprocal determinism between personal factors (cognitive processes, self-efficacy), behavior, and the environment. These factors influence each other bidirectionally.

- He introduced the concept of observational learning, where individuals can acquire new behaviors and information by watching and imitating others.

- Bandura's Bobo doll experiments demonstrated how children learn aggressive behaviors by observing and imitating adults.

- He believed that individuals have the capacity for self-regulation and can control their behavior through self-monitoring and self-reinforcement.

In essence, Bandura's theory emphasizes the role of cognitive processes, observation, and self-belief in shaping human behavior and learning.


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